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About US

Combining Two Cultures (C2C) is an annual conference for undergraduate students of interdisciplinary studies programs/students who are interested in interdisciplinary studies. The conference serves as an epicenter of growth for an internationally represented interdisciplinary community, allowing students of unique backgrounds to foster connections with one another. 


The conference aims to bridge the gap between disciplines, developing both field-specific and transferable knowledge to the world outside of academia. As the lines between disciplines are blurred, we are left with an environment in which participants are given the opportunity to discuss research and grow both academically and personally. 



Hailing from different academic institutions, delegates will verse themselves in several areas and apply the knowledge gained from this conference to their academic, professional, and personal lives. 


This year, Combining Two Cultures: Root to Rise will be held at McMaster University  over the weekend of March 20th-21st . As we live in an ever-changing world, we recognize the need for both individual and communal action that is ongoing and sustainable. Thus, our theme for this year’s conference is the three pillars of  sustainability: economic viability, environmental protection, and social equity. 


“Root to Rise”, is an expression widely used by yoga instructors that entails the following three principles: (1) a strong foundation, (2) a safe alignment, and (3) confidence and peace of mind. As interdisciplinary students, we frequently engage with a series of global challenges and are often left feeling powerless in the realization that so much is out of our control. “Root to Rise”, however, embodies the importance of learning from the impossible, and transferring these skills to apply in the innumerable domains wherein we can achieve so much. 

Conference Location

Due to COVID Regulations, C2C 2021 will be held online via Zoom by the 2021 Exec Committee at McMaster University!

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